Treasure of the Secret Cove, The
In a day when God’s view of marriage is under attack and gender roles are hotly debated, this novel clears the muddied waters through life’s challenges, brokenness, and redemption. The Treasure of the Secret Cove promises to stir up discussion on issues of monumental importance for today’s families.
Tenuous relationships expose the hidden secrets of the heart. Heroism, villainy, greed, revenge, betrayal, heartbreak, and redemption are all found in this masterpiece. With rich imagination Amy Le Feuvre creates a cast of colorful characters as she weaves together themes of salvation, marriage, self-examination, trust, and sacrifice. An independent wife, a self-absorbed husband, and a tempted-but-pious parson amidst a village of greedy citizens, along with a daring plan, a concealed treasure, and a secret cove, will keep you in thrilling suspense. This powerful drama addresses life’s important questions concerning the salvation of one’s soul.