Episode 10: The Boy Who Learned to Love

Weekly Reading: Chapter 10 & 11

“There’s no kind of person who can do what’s right from his own strength,” said John. “But you mustn’t think that means it’s hopeless, Kelly, because you will never be Truman, or our Annie, bless her…The question for you Kelly, is not, ‘Can I be like this person or that person?’”

Well, it looks like the boy who didn’t think is finally using his noggin! Kelly’s near-death experience has awakened him to the things of God (the way of love and self-sacrifice, and the road to eternal life), but he has much to learn!

Newly awakened to his foolish ways, Kelly falls into a trap that many people fall into—the trap of comparison. He is filled with discouragement when he looks at the people around him and sees how he wasted his life and how bad he’s been.

Have you ever compared yourself to another person? How did that go for you? Comparing yourself to other people can make you feel one of two ways:

1.  It makes you prideful (look at me, I’m better than all these people!)
2.  It makes you feel useless or depressed (I’ll never be like other people…I give up.)

Comparison also has side effects such as jealousy, bitterness, hopelessness, and acrimony (tension). Any time you are tempted to compare yourself to someone else, remember this—nothing good ever comes of comparison.

But there is a better way. Actually, there is a best way—as Kelly discovers. Mr. Ingalls points Kelly to the One who delivered him from the raging storm. “With God’s help, you’ve got to be like Jesus,” he says.

And now that Kelly is following Jesus, this is what he must do. Kelly has a unique and cheery disposition (remember we learned about that word a few episodes ago?), and instead of using his personality to make mischief or hurt people, he can now use the gifts God has given him to bring cheerfulness and joy.

As Christians, we are members of the body of Christ, which means each and every one of us has a special function that God created specifically for us to do. Did you know Paul wrote that “we are [God’s] workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10). What an amazing gift!

There is a special work, given to you by God, that only you can do! You must use your gifts and watch for opportunities to serve and love others in your own God-given way.

Mr. Ingalls loves others through praying and providing for them. Mrs. Ingalls loves others through her cheerful attitude and servant’s heart. Truman loves others through self-sacrifice and defending the weak. Annie loves through her kind and gentle words, and her selfless ways.

What gifts has God given you to use to love others?

You might be really good at making cookies or listening to people. Or maybe you can write a nice note or draw a picture. Sometimes a kind smile or hug can mean the whole world to someone. Whatever your gifting may be, remember that God made you unique, and He will always be there to help you. As you look for ways to become a joy-giver, remember this: “comparison is the thief of joy”—both yours and others.

As we read forward in chapter 11, we see Kelly reunited with his grandfather, but in a much different way than when they parted. Kelly, newly saved, and inspired by the loving example of the Ingall’s family, is now filled with a Christlike love for his grandfather. As Kelly tries to be like Jesus (and not like other people), it not only changes his life, but the lives of everyone he touches!

Well, as Old Nash says at the close of chapter 11, “drowning does folks good, I believe.”

Weekly Activity

Did you know that every snowflake is completely unique—no one snowflake is exactly like another! Bring the beauty of snow into your home, without the cold! It’s super easy. All you need is a pair of scissors, and a sheet of paper or a coffee filter. Download our How-to guide HERE. Make your snowflakes as simple or elaborate as you like. 

Memory Verse

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10

Study Guide Questions for Chapter 10:

Kelly Nash:

The Boy Who Didn’t Think

Every week there will be a reading assignment. So if you don’t have one already, be sure to purchase your very own copy of the book!


Episode 11: The Boy Who Learned to Think


Episode 9: The Boy in Need of Rescue