Episode 8: The Boy Who Woke Up

Weekly Reading: Chapter 8

Carefree as usual, with no thought for the morrow, Kelly lays down to spend his last night in the Mill. Soundly he sleeps away, never foreseeing the danger that he is in. Just outside his window, lightning flashes across the heavens, thunder CRAAAACKS, and the rain gushes from the heavens. Below his window, Kirkwood Run starts to overflow…all while Kelly Nash is fast asleep.

Suddenly, the whole building begins to wobble and shake! Kelly is startled to his feet—this is no dream! He runs to the window to see what is happening outside, and a branch brushes across his face. What is a tree doing indoors?!

Now, let’s face it. We’re probably not going to be swept away in a mill during a raging storm. But we might have to face different kinds of storms in our lives. So, what lessons can we learn from Kelly?

Well, whether you are of a cheery or dreary disposition (a disposition is someone’s general mood or attitude throughout the day), we must all at some point “wake up” from our simple and foolish way of life and become alive to Christ, or else continue to live a meaningless (and dangerous) life apart from God. This is what Kelly experiences as he hangs on for dear life to the swaying tree. All he can see is his wasted time and foolishness. In Ephesians 5:14-17 we read,

’Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’ Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is” (emphasis added).

Let’s think about this. If you were to write down what an average day in your life looks like, what would you write? Do you spend a lot of time watching videos and movies? Or, do you spend your time sleeping in, when you could be up and about doing the Lord’s work while listening to the early morning birds sing? Are you going through your days like a sleepwalker, just mindlessly doing whatever makes you feel good in the moment (like Kelly)? Or, are you seeking after God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength?

As children of God, we should make it our aim to live each day wide awake and full of enthusiasm for the Lord! We should live in such a way that when we look back at our days of serving Christ, we see kindness (like Annie), love (like Mrs. Ingalls), hard-work (like Mr. Ingalls), and great joy!

But remember, we can’t live this way without the Lord’s help. Just like Annie, we would do well to remember to ask for the Lord’s help each day, and then when we lay our heads upon our pillows at night, thank Him for what He’s done. This is how we live enthusiastically for the Lord! Living life in this way is where true joy is found!

Now, let’s get back to Kelly. He’s definitely awake now, but what do you think will happen to him next? Will he ever get the opportunity turn his thoughtless life around and learn to love the Lord? Let’s find out…

Weekly Activity

Are you ready to get up and moving? For this chapter’s activity we need to be like Kelly—quick-witted and fast on our feet! Have you ever played charades before? We are going to play charades: Kelly Nash Edition!

List of Characters:

Kelly Nash (14ish): a thoughtless, fun-loving teenager who is loved by the town but too mischievous for his own good (think Tom Sawyer).

Old Nash (elderly): Kelly’s grandfather, perpetually cold, feeble, child-like, loves his family, absent-minded.

Annie Ingalls (13): a sweet, adorable young girl who loves Jesus, is innocent and kind.

Truman Ingalls (15): Annie's older brother, serious, quiet, stubborn, firm, rule-follower.

John Ingalls (50s): the cooper, kind, God-fearing man, prompt, straightforward, poor scholar, honest.

Mrs. Ingalls (50s): hospitable, sweet, pleasant, kind, possesses a sense of humor, cheerful.

Mr. Hilger (50s): the miller, a little overweight, kind-hearted, congenial, good-natured, never ruffled.

How to Play:

  1. Get a group of family or friends together to play the game with you. Take a moment to explain the story of Kelly Nash to anyone who may not be familiar with it. Read the above characters two times (and no more!).

  2. Next, write each of the above character names on separate pieces of paper, then fold the pieces of paper and place all the names in a hat or bowl.

  3. The first player chooses a name from the hat/bowl and acts out the character. They can use their physicality, facial expressions, movement, anything that isn’t using words! As soon as the character is guessed, the next player can go. Go until all the characters are guessed! (Note: everyone may not remember all the characters, so it is a fun memory challenge as well!)

Memory Verse

“‘Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.’ Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”

Ephesians 5:14b-17

Study Guide Questions for Chapter 8:

Kelly Nash:

The Boy Who Didn’t Think

Every week there will be a reading assignment. So if you don’t have one already, be sure to purchase your very own copy of the book!


Episode 9: The Boy in Need of Rescue


Episode 7: The Boy Who Lost a Friend