The Adventure of the Chapel in the Valley

Weekly Reading: Sir Knight of the Splendid Way Chapter One

For years, the faithful boy watched knight after knight embark on the Splendid Way, each one’s armor glittering in the bright sun. Before he knew it, a noble desire filled his breast and grew with each passing hour. Dreams of high adventure and noble quests for the Great King filled his thoughts night and day. Yet, he dared not hope that he would ever be able to set out on such an adventure, for he had seen the worth of the King’s knights, and knew it was far beyond his ability.

But the Great King looked not upon the outward appearance. He did not think the boy too young or ill-fitted for such a task. The King was known for using the weak things of the world to baffle the strong. And so, he sent his humble servant, Sir Fortis, to deliver a special message:

“Which of us all is worthy?” [Sir Fortis] said. “Yet who is there that may not be made worthy? I have watched thy longings for many days, and I bid thee fear nothing. It will be my joy to set thee on thy way” (page 10).

Can you imagine the joy that must have filled the young squire’s heart? The Great King called him, lowly as he felt, to set aside his old work of being a squire and become a knight in the army of the King. But first, there was a test that he must pass—a night’s vigil in the Chapel of Voices.

How about you? Do you desire to be called by the King to serve in a special way? Are you passing the tests that he’s placing before you each day? May you be encouraged in knowing this:

“[The Great King] has made everything beautiful in His time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

The Great King is faithful and kind and good. He puts desires into the hearts of his children so that He may fulfill them in His perfect timing, or else replace them with better, kingly desires. We must simply learn the art of obedient surrender. Such is the journey our young squire has set out upon. And what is his reward?

As night fades and morning dawns fresh and clear, a brave voice speaks from the doorway:

“Rise, Sir Knight, for it is morning!”

Can you imagine the thrill in hearing his new name and title? A boy had stepped into the Chapel, but a young man had emerged. A strange new light was upon his countenance. He had seen the King—and that made all the difference.

 Questions for Deeper Reflection

1)    Why do you think the Splendid Way looked gloomy and foreboding at night but filled with hope and companionship in the day? Do you think the Splendid Way might have both difficult and rewarding times?

2)    How did Constant survive his night in the Chapel of Voices?

3)    When did Constant become a knight?

Digging Deeper

The following sentence in the story reveals a significant and often overlooked theological truth:

As night fades and morning dawns fresh and clear, a brave voice speaks from the doorway: ‘Rise, Sir Knight, for it is morning,’”

During the first six days of creation, God began each day with the evening. The biblical text reads,

“And evening and morning were the first day.”

Why did God have the day begin with evening. Surely, if you were to go out and randomly ask when each day starts, people would say that the day starts in the morning. But God created the days to start in the evening for a reason. Starting the day with sleeping is a picture of the grave. Each morning that we awaken represents resurrection! God has had mankind practicing the “gospel” since the day he created us!

Memory Verse: Ecclesiastes 3:11a

He has made everything beautiful in its time.”

Sir Knight of the Splendid Way

Deep into the Vale of Promise ventures Sir Constant, a young knight who desires nothing more than to be in the service of the Great King. Though unworthy of this high calling, he sets forth on the Splendid Way—the perilous road that all who desire to serve the King must take. His faith and valor will be tested, his strength and endurance will be challenged, and his allegiance to the one true King will be proven. A rich allegory wrought with biblical truth.


The Adventure of the False Sir Joyous