Week 1: Diligence

And beside this, giving all diligence (2 Peter 1:5a).

Welcome to week one of the Summer Reading Challenge! We are excited to begin this journey with you, and our prayer is that in doing this challenge, it might lead you closer to our Savior and a lifetime of seeking Him with all your heart!



The theme of this week’s challenge is DILIGENCE.

Origin of the Word

The word diligence comes from the Greek word spoude (pronunciation: spoo-day').  The word can also be translated as spoudazo (spoo-dad’-zo). Today, we’re going to talk about the second translation, spoudazo!



  1. Haste, to make haste

  2. Earnestness, diligence

    • Earnestness in accomplishing, promoting, or striving after anything

    • To give all diligence, interest one’s self most earnestly


(Read the blog for 5 points!)

 Hello everyone!

Today I want to tell you about a word that we use around Lamplighter a lot:  spoudazo! Not only is this word incredibly fun to say (say it with me 3x fast: spoudazo, spoudazo, spoudazo!!!!), but it also has an incredibly cool meaning. Derived from the Greek word spoude, used in 2 Peter 1:5, this word can also be translated as haste, speed, earnestness, labor, or diligence.

In 2 Peter 1, Peter says to give ALL diligence to add to your faith. Have you ever given all diligence to anything? What was the result?

In this passage, God is showing us what it takes to build Christlike character in our lives. We can’t just live our lives and expect our character and habits to automatically change. To the contrary, God, in His amazing love for us, wants us to be partakers of the divine nature. He wants us to partner with Him! Now that’s something to brag about! The God of the universe wants to partner with me, and I get to work with Him!

So, you might be thinking, what does diligence (spoudazo) look like in my everyday life? First, there should be an earnestness to your work; doing it with all your heart. Your mom asks you to unload the dishwasher? Unload that dishwasher like it was your favorite thing to do! Have a tough or “boring” school assignment? Face those assignments with curiosity and zeal like you were trying to find buried treasure!

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ (Colossians 3:23-24).

Second, things should be done with haste! Don’t dawdle or allow yourself to get easily distracted. Set to your work with speed and effort! Make every moment count. Do things on time. Throughout the gospels we see Jesus working in this way. He redeemed the time, and when He did things, He did them immediately!

And finally, do your work carefully and thoroughly. Anyone can do a half-done job cheerfully and speedily, but if it is not done to the best of your ability, it is not done well at all. Excellence is the key! Pay attention to details, and leave no stone unturned!

Diligence is not only for our work and play, but most importantly to be applied to our relationship with Christ. Remember, the passage in 2 Peter is talking about adding to your faith. Imagine how much growth you could see in your life if you begin to apply the principles of spoudazo to your walk with God. If we approach our Bible study that way, our times of prayer, our worship, or even our giving, how beautiful it would be to see the difference it would make!

It starts one step at a time. Make your bed in the morning. Clean up after meals cheerfully and speedily. When you pray in the morning or at night, get on your knees to pray instead of praying as you drift off to sleep in your bed…

When we begin to live our life with the attitude of spoudazo, our responsibilities both to God and man become a great joy (not drudgery!), and it enables us to be a greater blessing to others. As quoted in one of my favorite Lamplighter books, Basil; or Honesty and Industry:

“…if we conscientiously endeavour to do our duty, it is a happy responsibility, inasmuch as it gives us the power of doing much good to our fellow-creatures; and as regards industry and perseverance, I believe that the benevolent Creator blesses all such exertions when directed to the right end.”

I don’t know about you, but learning about diligence is making me excited for whatever God has for me to do next! The best part is that we don’t have to do it alone. God has given us everything we need for life and godliness (2nd Peter 1:3). He is inviting us to be partakers of His divine nature, and He will give us a diligent heart; all we have to do is ask.

With these thoughts in mind, let the Summer Reading Challenge commence!

Onward and Upward!


Lamplighter Ministries Team


Weekly Bible Memory (You can use whatever version of the Bible you prefer): 25 points per passage - additional passages may be memorized for 25 points each (up to 3 verses constitutes a passage)

Ages 6-10

“Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings…” (Proverbs 22:29a).

Ages 10-13

“Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord” (2 Peter 1:1-2).

Ages 14+

“Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, according as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue. Thereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises, that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust” (2nd Peter 1:1-4).

Weekly Bible Reading/Book: 5 points per chapter read - any chapter of the Bible may be read anytime during the challenge for 5 points each.

Proverbs Chapters 1-12


Reading List for Diligence: * 1 point per page read - any Lamplighter book/Lamplighter resource book/non-fiction [biography, spiritual growth, informational] may be ready anytime throughout the challenge 1 point per page.

Ages 6-11

Jack the Conqueror

Basil: On Honesty and Industry

Mary Jones and Her Bible

Ages 9-14

Fishmonger: A Story for the Young Entrepreneur

Crown of Success, The

The Orphan Queen

Ages 12+

Come What May

A Message to Garcia

Hidden Years of Nazareth

*You may read any Lamplighter book at any time throughout the challenge. This list is only recommendations that go along with this week’s theme.


Creative Assignment: It’s All Greek to Me (25 points)

Create a poster that creatively demonstrates the biblical meaning of diligence. Carefully draw out with pencil the Greek word for diligence (σπουδάζω) on a large sheet of paper. Once you’re happy with your pencil outline, fill in the letters with colored pencils, markers, or paint. Below the Greek letters, write out (in smaller letters) the definition and pronunciation: Spoude (pronounced spoo-day’); to make haste, give all diligence, work in earnest.

Once all your words are written on the poster, decorate around the words to your heart’s content. You could use flowers to show beauty and excellence; a shovel, broom, or cleaning supplies to show hard work; or a cheetah, horse, or a runner to show things that are fast.

Be creative, have fun with your poster, and when you’re done you can hang it up in a place where you will be reminded to have diligence in all that you do!


Practical Assignment: Before and After (50 points)

Find a place in your house or yard that needs some tidying or maintenance. It could be your bedroom, kitchen, garden, etc… and take a picture of it. This will be your “before” picture. Next, set to work with diligence to clean, organize, repair, or put away anything and everything that is out of place! When the space is completely cleaned and beautiful, take another picture. This will be your “after” photo. Compare your before and after photos to see the difference that diligent work makes!


Word of Wisdom: Listen to music, an audio drama, or a podcast while you work to make the time go faster and the task more enjoyable!


Additional Resources on Diligence: (Blog Posts; Podcasts) 5 points for each recommended blog read/podcast listened to.

Blog - The Compelling Mile

Blog - Sir Malcolm Episode 4—Diligence and Work Ethic

Podcast - Building Character One Story at a Time - Pt1

Don’t forget to tag us @lamplighterministries
to share with us how you and your family are completing the challenge!


Week 2: Faith